Monday 21 June 2010


Beautician will always be beautician. As I walked in her treatment room, her first comment was " waa Sara, you've put on weight eh"... thanks.

Beauty is definitely skin deep. Having facials don't make me a better person. Except of course, sparing the world from seeing this ugly face gets even uglier. Just think, right, I get rid of my facial hair, and then it would be.." oh wait, your eyebrows are messy"...right do the eyebrow, then.."oh wait you've got blackheads"...right,take them out then.."oh wait, your skin is darker over here,might need some peeling.."..... and she successfully peeled my skin off. Also managed to pluck my hair out. Definitely very painful. And RM80 poorer. If I walked into a casting agent right now, will I be booked? Definitely not. My teeth would not be straight/white etc enough. Too fat around the hips. Too short etc etc. So who am I trying to impress? Life is way too short to be mulling over one's look. As long as you looked decent, (and not dirty/smelly) you'll be fine.

..... I miss my guitar.

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