Sunday 14 November 2010

Trolls and goblins

Am I too old to still be scared of trolls and goblins? Fairies, pixies, kings and princesses... all from the deep depth of time, where everything is bright and lovely.

I want to wake up in the strawberry meadows, set on a background of rolling hills with just a hint of cloudy skies pregnant with gentle rain. Roll around in the sweet swelling fields, where ants and bees don't sting. And when Mrs Rain starts to tear up, I will run  glide softly to the cabin, my mother will hand me a steaming cup of cocoa and I can cocoon myself under a warm blanket, and chase the raindrops on the window pane.

Time is not a nice person. Why do you want to race with me when you know I will always lose? You never stop and stare, in fact, you run so fast I'm out of breath just trying to keep with you. Stop racing with me, give me back what was rightly mine. Stop aging me just because you're old. I want my time back, I want to keep what I lost and I want to feel my childhood again. You just have to take it away from me right? You selfish beast. All you do is age all the lovely things in this world. Why? Are you keeping tabs on who you take? You've got us all. Enough is enough time. Let me be constant for once.

I've got a problem with Mr Time. He's horrible.

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