Monday, 14 June 2010

Tired and weird

I took this picture of Mrs Ricey when I was in 1st Year. This was the year when I realised that people are not very nice. That fact was scary. At first.
This is a picture of Nevada, my handsome guinea pig. He's hot and he eats a lot. I miss him. I took care of him when I was in second year. I liked second year. It was a year of mistakes and redemption.
My parents went the extra effort to bring me to Tasik Bera just because I said I haven't been to Tasik Bera. Love your parents please!

Today was fun! Thank you God.

This blog is so going to be un-guitar. Ergh.

Went out with a dear friend, thank God she's happy now. Made plans to go for a fun Bangi trip with the gals today yeay!

I still have the flu today. Sore throat + headache+ runny nose...NOT attractive at all. Considering my sickness, still managed to watch all the football matches and eat like there's no tomorrow. I will NOT fit in my kebaya now. Ergh.

I ditched Othello for CLEO today, so much for sharpening my brain!

Oh dear, well, I think I'm succeeding in converting a certain someone to love guitar as much as I do....hehehe.. Everybody deserves to be introduced to this wonderful instrument, it's a life saver! Although she wasn't duly impressed with my guitar skills (blame the classical guitar! ergh) I can tell she is really interested to learn how to play this great instrument. Oh! How I wish somebody could teach me guitar always.I hate begging for lessons but don't have enough money for proper lessons!

Counting the days now. oh...


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