After the tiring 24 hours journey, which surprisingly didn't feel so bad with him by my side (thanks darling! I'm staying up to watch Germany now!) I now feel extremely woozy.
Yeay! I got to choose the design for my engagement dress, which will be gorgeous!! (hopefully) I went full on: a corset + kota bharu top + straight line skirt .. chiffon and silk lining underneath from Arab Street Singapore. This is fun!
I'm 112 pages through Soseki Natsume's I Am A Cat. Slow progress. My head hurts whenever I start reading. I think I'm down with a flu.
Sat with my grandma and adik in the evening. Lovely feeling, we sat down and just chill out, eating fresh durians, the storm on the horizon, Starchup lazing around like an old dog..I love that cat. Wish I had a camera though, that was such a pretty scene.
The sky must be God's painting canvas. It was soooo beautiful.
1am: Sky blue
5pm: Dark grey
6pm: Rusty Yellow
7pm: Soft Dark Pink
7.30pm: Dark Blue
8pm: Pitch Black
Started strumming the guitar in my room, just realised how weird it feels to play on a classical guitar. The neck is wider, so my hand hurts more when I warp it around the neck. It sounds weird when I strum. Do not like classical guitar.
Managed to figure out the memory problem. !!!
Okay, I feel really sick.
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