This is not me.
This girl thought she can convincEd her brother to take up guitar. NOT! People quit too soon! of course it's painful when you're building up calluses but give it another 2 months and you're fine!
Ooooh, I do feel like an idiot. I should've taken guitar lessons way back because I just LOVE this instrument so much. Cheers me up when I feel sad, or lonely or angry, or when I want to stop yakking..or eating... I bet I've managed not to gain weight even after exams by playing guitar (you can't play with greasy fingers!)
anywhos, today was fun (again!). Managed to get lost in SOUTH EAST ASIA's Biggest Jusco. Nearly cried when I lost my Car in the HUGE CAR PARK, definitely cried when I lost the PARKING TICKET. Pakcik belakang gelakkan saye sebab saye pendek dan terpakse berdiri untuk masukkan tiket dalam machine itu. Jahatnye pakcik. I DO NOT LIKE you.
Tomorrow kawan saye yang cantik bagaikan model indonesia itu akan membawa saye yang gemuk dan hodoh ke rawatan rambut. Oh I'm going to hate her.
I forgot to say thank you today. Thank you God for the lovely things You gave me today. Please make me a better person tomorrow.
Gemuk dan hodoh. Yeah so beauty is skin deep.I know. But still! I hate being gemuk dan hodoh. Some people can eat like a cow and still maintain their slimness. Saye makan semangkuk cereal lebih sikit je dh naik 1 kg. Stopped running for week naik 1kg.
argh. argh. xx
HOIT!!!! btw slamat merawat rambut lol