- The feeling you get when you strum the right chord.
- How simple finger maneuvers create beautiful sounds.
- The pride you get when you look at your callused fingers because it's all worth it.
- You develop the ability to LISTEN. You get a sense of beat and tempo, you learn to change chords with the beat and you get to recognise chords in songs.
- Your music repertoire will expand exponentially.
- You will always have a guitar as a friend who doesn't complain, whine or let you down.
- Guitar soothes you like nothing else could.
- You get to sing and play along to songs that you like.
- You learn that songs can be created, re-mixed and personalised. Nothing beats originality.
- The pain that comes with hours of practicing barre chords does not compare to the happiness you get when you can play your barre chords correctly.
okay guitar dearie, i dedicate this song to you!!!
My Lovely- Eisley
dulu saya menggunakan gitar akustik, tetapi setelah tukar ke gitar elektrik, kebolehan saya bermain gitar telah bertambah dengan banyaknya. kemudian pada tahun lepas, saya telah beli lagi satu gitar jenis short-scale dan kesannya, kebolehan saya bermain scale telah bercambah :D
ReplyDeletenampak sangat saya ini pemalas, nak yang mudah saja kan? :p
kan, tak sakit jari main electric guitar! gitar short scale tu apa? i just started playing a year ago so byk tak tahu lagi. :-)
ReplyDeleteshort scale tu gitar yg neck dia pendek. macam gitar tu kontot la, tp takde la nmpk sgt kontot.
ReplyDeleteutk gitar electric biasanya ada 25.5inci, 24.75inci & 24inci. ukuran itu adalah dari nut ke bridge. kalau pegi kedai boleh tanye org tu la camne rupa gitar2 berkenaan. :D