Wrexham tomorrow, more shopping the day after. Yeay, out of this stuffy house finally!
My new current fave band----> Eisley. Don't know how I managed to track Sherri's blog, but this IS definitely a new (old) author I've got to check out.
Ray Bradbury. Maybe this will stop the Murakami obsession.
but THIS: will always be in my heart. Mr Beckett I never lied when I say you're the bomb.
It's hard to have deep seated love for writers who are :
a) dead b) old enough to be my great grandfathers c) plain weird.
This obsession has to STOP.
Just realised that I've read almost ALL of my books back in Bristol, so it's either go join the Library down at the city council or keep buying book in Oxfam and drown in a sea of books in my miniscule room.
Physics: V= to what?
omg how to calculate volume?
anywhoos, one important lesson learnt. Every cloud has a silver lining. You just have to focus on the good things, or you'll be Mrs Sulky-The-World-Is -Fricking-Unfair always. I look forward to the bright future. God is good.
Can you see the silver lining? CAN YOU? CAN YOU? CAN YOU? CAN YOU?
The feeling you get when you strum the right chord.
How simple finger maneuvers create beautiful sounds.
The pride you get when you look at your callused fingers because it's all worth it.
You develop the ability to LISTEN. You get a sense of beat and tempo, you learn to change chords with the beat and you get to recognise chords in songs.
Your music repertoire will expand exponentially.
You will always have a guitar as a friend who doesn't complain, whine or let you down.
Guitar soothes you like nothing else could.
You get to sing and play along to songs that you like.
You learn that songs can be created, re-mixed and personalised. Nothing beats originality.
The pain that comes with hours of practicing barre chords does not compare to the happiness you get when you can play your barre chords correctly.
I love my guitar kapok so much. You may be cheap and of no brand, but to me you can still compare to other Fenders/ Gibson/Martin etc etc just cause you sound so good even when you're out of tune. I still need to change your strings though, will do it when I get back. And even though I've banged you around so much, there ain't no dens or scratches on your body. Everyone around me seems to own at least a Fender acoustic, I'm still hanging on to this old no-brand guitar. So hang in there a little bit. We've still got so many years to go! (at least until I have enough money to buy a Hummingbird! dream on- you have to eat frozen peas for a year kot kalau nak beli Hummingbird)
okay guitar dearie, i dedicate this song to you!!!
-written with the one who got away in mind, goodbye sucker!-
Wonder Why You
Foreign snow and humid hair, Snowball fight and summer air, They never seemed to care.
Warm sun and buried sand, Willow trees and furry friends, They never seemed to care.
And you came, you said, You'll always be here and you'll always be there for me, I didn't see.
I wonder when you'll be here for me, I wonder why you came, I wonder why you said you'll be here for me, When you were never there, I wonder why you came, you said, You wondered how I was doing, I am fine, But I'll always wonder, Why you never mine.
yeay esok puase. Where's the sweet smell of huge dinners, air sirap bandung and kueh? Where? in Malaysia lah omg harus ke aku duduk kat tempat mat saleh ni. Nak balik nak balik. Tapi kene bersyukur, kawan-kawan lain kene balik malaysia carik keje, masuk KPLI, kahwin, tunang, beranak pinak aku duduk sini bertemankan gitar Ibanez yang tak dapat mengalahkan gitar kapok gear4music ku itu. I miss home. I've not been home for Ramadhan from 2004. Aku jeles orang lain dh bertunang dh move on dgn life aku masih terkebil-kebil main gitar kat sini. haih.
i want my guitar. i miss you i miss you sian ko berabok 1 bulan tak dipermainkan. ..
I haven't been updating my blog in a while... but there were not many things i wanted to write about, vacation has microwaved my brain into mulch, and i'm bored. Well, guitar wise, one day I was strumming the guitar *cue Brick by Boring Brick by PARAMORE!!* and my pick slipped into the hole. Okay they cost like 50p each, (65p in that snotty old music room on Park Street..harumph!) but I wanted to retrieve it still. I GOOGLED "how to get pick out of guitar" and this came out!
Okay so I tried the first technique, shake-shake and quickly flip it over, and BAM! 2 PICKS got out of that hole! I didnt even know there were 2 picks in there! Thanks Justin!!
FYI, Justin is a great teacher, I learn a lot from his videos and he taught Katie Melua the guitar!
On the more serious side, I've been kinda antsy these days ..... It's that time of the year again, Ramadhan... last year I bought 2 books on Ramadhan (thanks fardia I bought 1 because of you!) but only managed to finish reading one. It's always the same every year, really wanting to be a good person before Ramadhan, being kinda good during Ramadhan and undoing every good deed after Ramadhan. It's like Satan goes out of his way to make me bad. FINE. If I fail to be good again this year, I'll go to hell and beat your ass there. *mungkin kene marah diri sendiri dulu sebelum marah Setan*
Okay fine Satan. You'll see. I'll try and be good this year, and make you lose your party! I'll come around next year and laugh at your face.
oooh, it's time like this I feel really terrible for turning my back on some Islamic circles. I really need one right now.
The deed that has neither sincerity nor is based on following the righteous examples of others
Money that is hoarded, as the owner neither enjoys it during this life nor obtains any reward for it in the Hereafter
The heart that is empty of love and longing for Allah, and of seeking closeness to Him
A body that does not obey and serve Allah
Loving Allah without following His orders or seeking His pleasure
Time that is not spent in expiating sins or seizing opportunities to do good
A mind that thinks about useless matters
Serving those who do not bring you close to Allah, nor benefit you in your life
Hoping and fearing whoever is under the authority of Allah and in His hand; while he cannot bring any benefit or harm to himself, nor death, nor life; nor can he resurrect himself.
However the greater of these matters are wasting the heart and wasting time. Wasting the heart is done by preferring this worldly life over the Hereafter, and wasting time is done by having incessant hope. Destruction occurs by following one’s desires and having incessant hope, while all goodness is found in following the right path and preparing oneself to meet Allah.
How strange it is that when a servant of Allah has a [worldly] problem, he seeks help of Allah, but he never asks Allah to cure his heart before it dies of ignorance, neglect, fulfilling one’s desires and being involved in innovations. Indeed, when the heart dies, he will never feel the significance or impact of his sins.
Waaaaaa... do not waste yet another golden opportunity. God please help me!!