a) A beggar lady with a perfect English accent (she could have been a nurse!) asking for change the whole length of the High Street. I feel sorry for her. Did society failed her or did she failed in herself? I don't know but I hope she has somewhere warm to sleep tonight.
b) A little old lady reading this pamphlet. "Diabetes and Sainsbury: How We Can Help You" on the train...... Do you have diabetes or does someone dear to you have it?
c) A nice young man who smiled at me and said thank you. *melts*
d)A really tough looking man with deep pink shirt and deep pink carry on. Did your wife make you use her pink stuffs as a punishment?
e)A girl clutching her puppy on the train. You made my day puppy and girl!!
f) I got out of the house early-ish for a sunday morning, and saw many people of different colours marching out of that beautiful church clutching bibles...and as I walked back late Sunday evening, I saw them going out of the church with their bibles close to their chests. It was so beautiful just to see people having faith in God still. The best part was, of course, there in a court yard I saw abang Zack, the English guy I've been swooning over for months. Okay can he not be anymore perfect? Tall, brown, gorgeous blue eyes, African flava, pious and music? He reminds me of a British version of Jason Wade, who is incidentally the most gorgeous American ever. ooohhh..... now I know that he goes to that church, I might bump into him more... *fat chance*
but of course, life has to throw something nasty at you even on a perfect day. I'm not angry, more like annoyed (or actually it is kind of amusing) when people are really stingy. I wonder how it feels like to die a very rich man because all your life you clutch to that every penny you ever had... very,very peculiar indeed. I would not like that kind of life but hey, people got to live how they want to live.
but the cherry on the cake is this.
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