Student A: Happiness (Nope)
Student B: Money (you wish)
Student C: Oxygen!! (It's more theoretical than that, dummy)
Student D : Desire? Passion?
Teacher: (beams) Correct! Everything you see, everything you feel, all the small muscles in your body are only truly alive if you follow your passion, your desire. The world is but a grey slate which will only be turned colourful by people brave enough to paint it.
Still, at the end of the table, you hear the same warning, same advice, to not follow your desire too much because it's too dangerous.
Which one to follow?
I've lived long enough to be able to see that there are 2 kinds of passions in the world. One is the fast, strong and hot desire that makes you run just a little bit faster, makes you scream a little louder. The other being the slow, burning dull aching desire that makes me slave over books in medical school or practice guitar until my fingers hurt.
At an impressionable young age, I was exposed to Keat's melancholic world, and I often at that point in my life, envied him for being able to live life as it was meant to be lived.(if that makes any sense) His world is just so colourful, and full of stimulation to the senses that I really thought he spent an hour thinking about the ordinary mundane world we take in for 5 seconds...... (tbc)
From La belle dam sans Merci
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